Demcon Focal is working within a European consortium on a so-called Entangled Photon Source (EPS). This EPS will generate and distribute the encryption keys that allows parties to communicate securely. The EPS is a quantum-optics device that is intended to be placed on a satellite to be able to provide secure communication over large distances. Demcon Focal is responsible for the opto-mechanical design and assembly of the EPS within the consortium. The challenges in the project are the relatively short time-span during which the EPS design needs to be taken from TRL-3 to TRL-6, the challenging requirements relating to the harsh temperature conditions in space and mechanical vibrations during launch. And in addition, the quality and quantity of the EPS signal that are heavily dependent on the coupling efficiencies of the optical channels within the device.
The project is running for a duration of approximately 3 years and will result in a tested EPS in representative environment (Technology level TRL-6). Demcon Focal will closely work together with the companies QuTechSpace, OHB, and Alter within this project.