optical system assembly.
Demcon focal manufactures optical systems in small volumes up to 50-100 per year. We can assemble laser modules, optical lens systems, microscope system and optomechatronic systems, such as the fine steering mirror.
optical manufacturing.
Creating state-of-the-art custom optics involves close collaboration between optical, opto-mechanical, and mechanical engineering disciplines to design a lens system that meets its requirements. Intimate knowledge of assembly equipment and its possibilities are needed to realize a prototype. Demcon focal has the facilities and practical assembly experience to deliver the customer’s lens system. For various customers Demcon focal has assembled and aligned optics, such as:
• F-theta lens with a long working distance
• Focusing lens with a Strehl ratio > 0.95
• Lens systems for various microscopic applications
• Lenses for lighting applications
• Lithography lens with a distortion < 100 nm

optical qualification.
Key to optical performance is optical qualification. Demcon focal is experienced in optical qualification, and uses different state-of-the-art equipment and self-designed tools to deliver verified outputs.