- Field of view 7 arcmin
- Telescope Zenith distance 0 deg. - 90deg.
- Wavefront error <65 nm rms
- Pointing resolution <0.2 arcsec
- Polarization degree >0.82
- Optical throughput >88%
- Wavelength 589.159 nm

The standout feature of our LPS system is the optical quality, its use of line replacement units and inline diagnostic tools, which ensure minimal maintenance and significantly reduce downtime. This cutting-edge design guarantees that your operations remain smooth and efficient, allowing you to focus on what truly matters. Experience the future of low-maintenance technology with our LPS system!
Our specifications can be tailored to meet your specific needs. If you have any questions or require further information, don't hesitate to reach out. The dedicated teams at TNO and Demcon are eager to explore the possibilities with you.